The Arthur Kingdom

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Chaos and Christmas - Royal Style

Once a year in the Arthur Kingdom comes a tradition fondly referred to by commoners as Christmas. A time to remember the birth of baby Jesus and all things holy. That is, if you're common and you believe that rot.

True royals such as the Princes and Princess of the Arthur Kingdom view Christmas as a time where loyal slaves.... er umm... I mean subjects... take time from their busy serving schedules to make merry for their royal highnesses. This time involves lots of decorating, eating and present giving, with the majority of these herculean efforts revolving around the said royals.

This year was no exception. Their royal highnesses ate and were merry unwrapping dozens of presents in front of bemused slaves who realised that they were to be the ones to find room for all the gifts. One slave stupidly mentioned the thought of disposing of the old broken items from last year and was almost beheaded for her insolence. How dare you!

Upon this blessed time there also reigns something fondly referred to as "Holidays" where simple folks get time off to spend with friends and family, away from their places of work. Unfortunately for the slaves this time is referred to as "quality time" where efforts are again redoubled as their majesties now have no other diversions in the outside world. Royal voices seem louder and more demanding than usual for these poor, overworked slaves and the normal diversions of adult conversations and blissful food shopping expeditions are now pock-marked with screams (which amuses the royal children no end) and additional expenses involving sticky, chocolate-y bribes.

Said holiday and Christmas periods are enjoyed immensely by both Princes and the Princess alike, and of course by the ever-faithful, ever-loyal slaves. For after all, this is the true meaning of the season!